Landscaping & Planting

Tree Planting and Landscaping Services

JL Tree Service Inc offers landscaping services. Our landscaping crew is simply excellent. Our crew has many years of experience in the landscape field. We do not have a landscape architect, and do not do design build. Our landscape crew specializes in mulching, edging, landscape bed cleanup and weeding, and small shrub and bush pruning and shaping.

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Tree Planting

JL Tree Service may offer selective and very limited tree planting service upon request.  Generally, we do not plant trees and recommend a local nursery.  The newly planted tree ‘guarantee’ that nurseries will most of the time offer with their service is tough to compete with.  We highly recommend planting and/or replanting, especially after cutting down large mature trees.  Our arborists can provide great advice on tree species planting recommendations.  We generally recommend planting native trees and shrubs to our area.  Many cities require tree removal permits, such as the City of Fairfax, and a lot of times the City will have replanting requirements as part of the tree removal permit.  Please check your city or county to see if a tree removal permit is required.

Here are some recommendations for native trees to plant:

  1.   Large Trees
    • White Oak, Willow Oak, Black Tupelo (Gum), Hickory, Tulip Poplar, American Beech, Evergreens such as Eastern Red Cedar, White Cedar, White Pine
  2. Medium Trees
    • Maples, Box Elder, Sweet Gum, Cottonwood, and Evergreens such as Holly, Leyland Cypress, Spruce, Hemlock
  3.  Small Trees
    • Redbud, Dogwood, Zelkova, Cherry, Crape Myrtle, Ironwood, Yellowwood, Sourwood

Landscaping & Yard Cleanup

We are not a design build or landscape architects. Our crew simply does the smaller landscaping needs for our customers. This usually includes mulching, and landscape bed cleanup. Including weeding, edging, and trimming small shrubs in the landscape. Our crew has an excellent touch. Many times, our customers know that our landscape crew is here to provide the miscellaneous services in their yards also. Tasks such as yard cleanup, cutting and pulling Ivy off trees, spreading playground woodchips, spreading woodchips for nature trails, and even being creative with wood on our customers properties. Call us, you will be surprised with what our landscape crew can do!

Certified Arborists

Our Certified Arborists offer great planting choices. Whether you need a shade tree, a privacy hedge, or just simply need advise on what to do with your yard, our arborists make great recommendations.

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Tree Service & Tree Removal - Free Estimates